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 Chef Vacancy

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Lack Joe

Jumlah posting : 7
Points : 11
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Join date : 03.06.11

Chef Vacancy  Empty
PostSubyek: Chef Vacancy    Chef Vacancy  EmptyFri Jun 03, 2011 1:45 pm

Urgently Required


Quote :
Requirements :

Strong Leadership
Good Ability to lead teamwork
Handling Food & Beverage Cost
Good Sanitation & Hygiene Knowledge
Min. 2 years experience in same field

Please send your CV & cover letter to :

Jl. Sulanjana No.28, Dago. Bandung
Email : arifa.elfanisa@s28bandung.com


Strong Leadership

Good Ability to lead teamwork

Handling Food & Beverage Cost

Good Sanitation & Hygiene Knowledge

Min. 2 years experience in same field

Please Send Your CV & Cover Letter to :

Jl.Sulanjana No.28, Dago. Bandung

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